References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- race, 8.38, 8.39. See also groups of people
- radiations, 8.151
- radical sign, 12.42–44
- radio and radio programs, 8.189
- ragged right (flush left) justification, 2.10, 3.73, 7.47, 16.136, fig. 3.19, p. 986. See also justification
- ranges (numbers). See inclusive (continuing) numbers
- rarely, 5.230
- rather, 5.201
- ratios, 6.62, 9.58
- re, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- readers’ comments
- on blog posts, 14.208, 15.51
- in newspapers, 14.196
- on online multimedia content, 14.267
- on social media posts, 14.209, 15.52
- reading lists, 1.78
- reciprocal pronouns (each other, one another), 5.53
- record group numbers, 14.292
- recoverability, principle of, 5.229
- recto pages
- abbreviation, 14.154–55
- always odd-numbered, 1.5
- beginning of gallery, 3.6
- defined, p. 986
- first journal page, 1.81
- first page of index, 1.65
- in folio editions, 14.155
- parts of book starting on, 1.4, 1.49, 1.51, 1.53, 1.54, 1.65
- proofreading for correct use of, 2.114, 2.115
- running heads for, 1.11–15
- in signed signatures, 14.154
- specified on final manuscript for production, 2.75, 2.76, 2.77
- See also page numbers; pagination; verso pages
- redlining, p. 986. See also tracking changes
- reference lists
- abbreviations in, generally, 15.15
- authors’ names (see authors’ names in source citations)
- vs. bibliographies, 14.71, 15.3
- cross-checking of, 2.32, 2.63, 15.21
- cross-references to other titles in, 15.42
- editing of, 2.63, 2.64
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- format: examples and variations, 15.9, 15.22, fig. 15.1; hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation, 1.63, 2.24; manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.24, 14.67, 15.17; overview, 15.5–6; page numbers and other locators, 15.8; type size, 1.63
- headings for, 15.5, 15.10
- hyperlinks to and from (see hyperlinks for source citations)
- importance of, 15.10
- manuscript preparation guidelines for authors, 15.17
- metadata for, 1.92
- multiauthor volumes, 15.10
- order of entries: alphabetical, 2.63, 15.11, fig. 15.1; chronological, 2.63, 14.71, 15.18, 15.19; same-author, same-year works, 15.20; single vs. several authors, 15.16; works with multiple publication dates, 15.40
- placement in book, 1.4, 1.63, 15.10
- publication date, placement of, 15.14
- publication details: editions with multiple, 15.40; forthcoming works, 15.18, 15.45; letters in published collections, 15.43; multivolume works published over several years, 15.41; “no date,” 15.18, 15.44
- scholarly symbols in, 10.43
- secondary sources quoted, 15.56
- submission of, 2.3
- 3-em dash in, 15.17–20; caveats, 15.17; chronological order for repeated names, 1.124, 15.18, 15.19; with edited, translated, or compiled works, 15.19; with same author, same year, 15.20
- titles as entries, 15.39
- See also author-date reference system; bibliographies; source citations; text citations; titles of works in source citations
- reference works
- HTML format for, 1.118
- hyperlinks in, 1.118, 1.120
- indexes for, 16.26
- for indexing, 16.32
- for manuscript editing, 2.54
- online versions, 1.118, 1.120, 1.121, 14.233
- organizing principle of, 1.123
- source citations for, 14.103, 14.232–34
- titles of, 8.191
- See also catalogs; dictionaries; encyclopedias; “resources on” under specific topics
- reflexive and intensive pronouns, 5.41, 5.51, 5.53
- reflowable formats
- illustration placement in, 3.8
- and indexes, 16.13
- line breaks in, 6.82, 6.90, 6.113, 7.36, 7.47, 14.18
- location information, 1.6
- navigation in, 1.123, 2.35, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23
- and notes, 14.49
- and text breaks, 1.58
- regions, national and world, 8.47, 8.54. See also geographical terminology; place-names; political terminology
- regression testing, 2.138
- regular expressions, p. 984. See also pattern matching
- relationship terms, 7.89 (sec. 3), 8.36
- relative adjectives, 5.56
- relative adverbial conjunctions, 5.202
- relative clauses, 3.54, 5.56, 5.60, 5.225, 5.226, 5.227, 6.27
- relative pronouns, 5.56–66
- antecedents absent with, 5.30, 5.61
- antecedents of, 5.57, 5.59–62
- in cleft sentences, 5.246, 5.247
- compound, 5.65
- defined, 5.56
- -ever suffix, 5.65, 5.66
- gender, number, and case of, 5.57, 5.66, 5.140
- for gender neutrality, 5.255
- and grammatical ellipses, 5.226, 5.247
- one in antecedent, 5.62
- positional nuances of, 5.58
- possessive forms of, 5.63, 5.64
- in remote clauses, 5.60
- as subjects, 5.140
- See also relative clauses; that; what; which; who, whom, whose
- religions and religious concerns
- buildings, 8.101, 9.48
- concepts, 8.94, 8.99, 8.108, 8.109
- events: holidays, 8.89; services and rites, 8.110; theologically important (e.g., the Exodus), 8.108
- groups: Church, church, 8.98, 8.101; councils, synods, and such, 8.102; denominations, sects, orders, and movements, 8.97; jurisdictions and divisions of, 8.100; major religions, 8.96
- names and titles: abbreviations, 10.18, 10.22; alternatives to God, 8.92; capitalization, 8.19, 8.26, 8.33, 8.36; deities, 8.91, 8.92; honorifics, 8.26, 8.33, 10.18, 16.39; indexing of, 16.37, 16.39; kinship terms, 8.36; in non-English languages, 11.26, 11.88; numbered places of worship, 9.48; numerals with, 9.41, 9.48; popes and patriarchs, 8.26, 9.41, 16.36, 16.37; pronouns for, 8.95; religious figures, 8.93, 8.95, 10.20, 14.83, 16.42
- religious objects, 8.111
- See also Bible; biblical citations; religious works
- religious works
- Qurʾan (Koran), 8.103, 11.77, 14.241
- resources on, 14.238, 14.241
- source citations for, 6.62, 9.26, 10.48, 14.238–41
- treatment in text: concepts, 8.94, 8.99, 8.108, 8.109; prayers, creeds, and such, 8.107; scriptures, 8.103, 8.104
- Upanishads, 8.103, 14.241
- See also Bible; religions and religious concerns
- repetition, author queries about, 2.69
- reporters (for court cases and decisions), 14.276, 14.277, 14.278, 14.279, 14.294, 14.298
- reports. See pamphlets, brochures, and reports
- reprints
- abbreviation of reprint or reprinted, 10.42
- copyright dates of, 1.23, fig. 1.2
- defined, p. 986
- e-books as, 14.159
- vs. editions, 1.23, 1.26
- editorial interpolations and clarifications in, 6.99
- introduction for, 1.47
- prefaces for, 1.41
- rights to, 4.55, 4.64, 4.78, 4.101, fig. 4.1
- source citations for, 14.54, 14.114, 14.159, 15.40
- unnumbered source notes, 1.50, 14.54
- See also impressions
- reproduction and copyright, 4.13, 4.34, 4.51, 4.64. See also photocopying
- resolution (pixels), p. 986
- resolutions, 14.283. See also legislation; US Congress
- restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses and phrases, 5.23, 6.27, 6.28, 6.29, 6.30, 6.41, 6.50
- retractions, 1.91
- Reverend, Rev., 10.18, 16.39
- reverse italics, 8.173, 14.95
- reviews
- basic format, 1.98
- of books, 1.87, 1.94, 1.98, 4.10, 14.153, 14.202
- quoted on paperback covers, 1.70
- source citations for, 14.153, 14.201–4
- revised and expanded, 1.26
- revised editions. See editions
- revised proofs, 2.103, 2.105, p. 984
- revision dates
- maps, 14.237
- online reference works, 14.233
- websites and web pages, 14.13, 14.207, 15.50
- revisions. See tracking changes
- revolutions, 8.113
- RGB mode, 3.3, p. 986
- rhetorical questions, 5.213
- rhyme schemes, 7.69
- right or left indent, 2.11
- rights. See copyright; intellectual property rights; publishing agreements; subsidiary rights
- rights to distribution outside the US, 4.34, 4.64, 4.76
- rivers, 8.53, 8.54, 8.55
- roads and thoroughfares
- abbreviations of, 10.33
- names of, 8.56, 11.26
- numbers of, 9.50, 9.51
- See also addresses, mailing
- roman (type)
- abbreviations, 10.7, 10.42, 12.11, 12.36, 12.64, 16.116
- Anon. and pseud, 14.79
- apostrophe and s in possessives of italicized terms, 7.29
- artworks of antiquity, 8.198
- case names in citations, 14.272
- city or state names with newspaper titles, 14.193, 14.194
- as default, 7.49, p. 987
- defined, p. 987
- figure in text, 3.9
- for gene products, 8.132
- generic terms for parts of books, 8.179, 8.180
- index cross-references, 16.22
- indexes of authors, first lines, and titles, 16.145
- italicized terms within titles (reverse italics), 8.173, 14.95
- journal and magazine article titles in source citations, 14.169, 14.188
- key terms after first occurrence, 7.56
- Latin terms, 7.55, 10.7, 10.42, 13.66
- legal-style citations, 14.272, 14.273, 14.276, 14.288, 14.290
- letters as shapes, 7.67
- letters standing for names, 7.66
- maps, descriptions of, 14.237
- marking proofs for, 2.131
- mathematical expressions, 12.11, 12.36, 12.64, 12.65
- names of apps, devices, and operating systems, 8.155
- names of letters, 7.68
- non-English words, 7.53–55
- opus numbers, 8.196
- performers on recordings, 8.197
- periodical departments or columns, 8.177, 14.195
- phonetic symbols, 7.64
- proper names used as words, 7.63
- scholastic letter grades, 7.65
- in scriptural citations, 14.239, 14.241
- for s in plural form of italicized terms, 7.12, 12.3
- titles of series and editions, 14.124, 8.176
- titles of websites, 14.206, 8.191
- titles with quotation marks (see titles of works: quotation marks for)
- transliterated terms after first occurrence, 11.75, 11.110
- UK legal and public documents, 14.298, 14.300
- volume numbers, 14.23, 14.171, 15.9
- words for musical pitches, 7.71
- See also boldface; italics; quotation marks; special characters; transliteration and transliterated text; typographic considerations
- Romanian language, 11.70
- romanization. See transliteration and transliterated text
- roman numerals
- vs. arabic numerals, 14.147, table 9.1
- capitals: enzyme names, 8.133; musical chords, 7.73; with personal names, 6.43, 7.42, 9.42, 10.8, 16.37, 16.41, 16.66; sequels, 9.43; sovereigns and other rulers, 9.41; vessels and such, 9.44
- Chicago’s preference for arabic over, 9.67
- defined, p. 987
- divisions within legal instruments, 9.28
- general principles, 9.65
- inclusive ranges, 9.61, 16.14
- musical chords, 7.73
- in pagination, 1.4, 1.7, 1.9, 2.38, 2.57, 9.26
- subtrahends (back counters), 9.66
- See also arabic numerals; numbers
- rooms, offices, and such, 8.58
- royalties
- failure to pay, 4.37
- multiauthor works, 4.58
- permissions fees from, 4.104
- publishing agreements on, 4.52
- and subsidiary rights, 4.64, 4.69
- royalty. See nobility; sovereigns and other rulers
- R. R. Bowker Company, 1.32, 1.74
- rulers. See sovereigns and other rulers
- rules (lines)
- above continued footnotes, 14.41, fig. 14.1
- avoided in illustrations, 3.19
- in tables, 3.53, 3.57, 3.58, 3.74, 3.86, figs. 3.13–14, fig. 3.16
- run in, p. 987. See also indexes: run-in style; run-in lists; run-in quotations
- run-in lists, 6.128, 6.129, 6.131, 7.45
- “run in” mark, 2.126
- run-in quotations
- assimilation into text, 13.11–12
- vs. block, 13.9–10
- capitalization, 13.19, 13.21
- converting block quotations to, 13.31
- defined, 13.9
- multiple paragraphs in, 13.32–33, 13.35
- poetry, 6.111, 6.113, 13.29, 13.34
- punctuation: colons, 13.16; commas, 13.14; quotation marks, 13.30, 13.68; slashes, 13.29
- text citations for, 13.68–69, 15.26
- See also text citations
- run-in style (indexes). See under indexes
- run-in subheads, 1.56, 2.18, 2.59, 6.14
- running feet, 1.10, 1.83
- running heads, 1.10–16
- choice of content for, 1.11, 2.76, 14.47
- defined, 1.10, p. 987
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.76
- no punctuation following, 6.14
- not always used in electronic publications, 1.10, 1.83, 1.123, 14.47
- omission of, 1.12, 1.16, 1.49, 2.115, 3.86, 3.87
- proofreading of, 2.76, 2.114
- publisher’s responsibility for, 2.3
- shortening of, 2.76
- specific instances: appendixes, 1.14; back matter, 1.14, 1.15; electronic publications, 1.12; endnotes (see under endnotes); front matter, 1.11, 1.16; and illustrations, 1.8, 1.16, 2.115; indexes, 1.14, 16.6; journals, 1.83, 2.76; reference works, 1.13; and tables, 1.16, 2.115, 3.86, 3.87; text, 1.12
- title metadata for, 1.12
- running sheets. See press sheets
- runover lines
- defined, p. 987
- drama quotations, 13.47
- hanging indentation for, 2.24, 16.137
- indexes, 16.26, 16.28, 16.137
- mathematical expressions, 12.23
- outlines, 6.132
- poetry extracts, 2.20, 13.25, 13.27
- tables, 3.61, 3.73, fig. 3.12
- vertical lists, 2.21, 6.130
- Russian language, 11.98–108
- alphabet (see Cyrillic alphabet)
- capitalization, 8.12, 11.99, 11.100
- names, 8.12, 11.98
- punctuation, 11.101–3
- quotations and dialogue, 11.101
- resources on, 11.98
- special characters, 11.98, table 11.3
- titles of works, 11.100
- word division, 11.70, 11.104–8