The Chicago Manual of Style® for PerfectIt™
The Chicago Manual of Style is now available in proofreading software. We have partnered with the PerfectIt editing platform to create an official “Chicago Style” check that can scan documents for:
- Spelling
- Capitalization
- Hyphenation
- Italics
- Numbers in sentences
- Punctuation
- And more
PerfectIt 5 includes the 17th edition style check.
PerfectIt 6 includes the 18th edition style check.
Exclusively for Subscribers of Both Services
We are pleased to offer CMOS for PerfectIt as an added benefit for subscribers to both CMOS Online and PerfectIt. Concurrent subscriptions are required to install and utilize the feature. Both accounts must be registered using the same email address.
Product Reviews
CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) Blog
NAIWE (National Association of Independent Writers and Editors) Blog
SENSE (Society of English-language professionals in the Netherlands)
IPED (Institute of Professional Editors Limited)
The Christian PEN (Proofreaders and Editors Network) Blog
Video Reviews
Media Coverage
That Word Chat with Editor Mark Allen
The Editing Podcast with Louise Harnby (fiction editor) and Denise Cowle (non-fiction editor)
Check your copy for “Chicago Style”
The Chicago Manual of Style for PerfectIt is available in Microsoft Word, and will check for consistency and style errors, providing instant, click-through access to the time-tested guidance of the Manual. Proofreaders and copyeditors can choose when and how to apply “Chicago Style” guidelines in their work, and whether to delve into Manual content for further guidance. Professional editors gain the additional ease of building and applying house styles that are based on Chicago. Users are able to combine and customize Chicago’s guidance with industry or client-specific choices.
Improve Your Writing and Editing
CMOS for PerfectIt doesn’t over-correct. Instead, it finds examples in your document to teach the principles of “Chicago Style” and improve your writing and editing.
Chicago and PerfectIt agree that people make the best editing decisions and they always will. This technology is to help people edit faster and better. Software cannot understand the beauty, complexity, and variety of great writing, and CMOS for PerfectIt doesn’t seek to overwrite any piece of work. Instead, it finds examples to teach the principles of the Manual and ways to improve clarity and consistency.
For more information
- Visit the Official CMOS for PerfectIt Information Page
- Read PerfectIt’s Blog Post About CMOS 18 in PerfectIt 6
- Read the Press Release
- Visit the CMOS for PerfectIt FAQ Page
- Contact the CMOS Help Desk by writing or by phone at 1-877-705-1878 (US and Canada) or 1-773-753-3347 (International)
- Contact PerfectIt Customer Support