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Results 1 - 10 of 183 for nouns....
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[16th ed.] 5.11 Noun properties
» Nouns » Properties of Nouns 5.11 Noun properties Nouns have properties of case and number. Some...grammarians also consider gender and person properties of nouns....

[16th ed.] 5.10 Noun-equivalents and substantives
» Nouns » Definitions 5.10 Noun-equivalents and substantives A noun-equivalent is a phrase or clause...that serves the function of a noun in a sentence { To serve your country is honorable} {Bring like } . Nouns and noun-equivalents collectively are called substantives....

[16th ed.] 5.5 Common nouns
» Nouns » Definitions 5.5 Common nouns A common noun is the generic name of one item in a class or group...appears in a title. Common nouns are often broken down into three subcategories: concrete nouns, abstract... nouns, and collective nouns. A concrete noun denotes something solid or real, something perceptible...

[16th ed.] 5.6 Proper nouns
» Nouns » Definitions 5.6 Proper nouns A proper noun is the specific name of a person, place, or thing...{John Doe} {Moscow} {the Hope Diamond} , or the title of a work { Citizen Kane } . A proper noun is...always capitalized, regardless of how it is used. A common noun may become a proper noun {Old Hickory...

[16th ed.] 5.9 Mass noun followed by a prepositional phrase
» Nouns » Definitions 5.9 Mass noun followed by a prepositional phrase Mass nouns are sometimes a prepositional phrase, such as number of plus a plural noun. The article that precedes the mass... noun signals whether the mass noun or the number of the noun in the prepositional phrase controls...

[16th ed.] 5.15 Noun person
» Nouns » Properties of Nouns 5.15 Noun person A few grammarians attribute the property of person to... nouns, distinguishing first person {I, Dan Walls, do swear that . . .} , second person {you, the...professor, are key} , and third person {she, the arbiter, decides} . While those examples all use nouns in...

[16th ed.] 5.7 Count nouns
» Nouns » Definitions 5.7 Count nouns A count noun has singular and plural forms and expresses...sentence, a singular count noun takes a singular verb {the jar is full} ; a plural count noun takes a plural verb {the jars are full} ....

[16th ed.] 5.22 Nouns as adjectives
» Nouns » Functional Variation 5.22 Nouns as adjectives Words that are ordinarily nouns sometimes...function as other parts of speech, such as adjectives or verbs. A noun-to-adjective shift takes place when...a noun modifies another noun {the morning newspaper} {a state legislature} {a varsity sport...

[16th ed.] 5.4 Nouns generally
» Nouns » Definitions 5.4 Nouns generally A noun is a word that names something, whether abstract...(intangible) or concrete (tangible). It may be a common noun (the name of a generic class or type of...person, place, thing, process, activity, or condition) or a proper noun (the formal name of a specific person, place, or thing)....

[16th ed.] 5.12 Noun case
» Nouns » Properties of Nouns 5.12 Noun case In English, only nouns and pronouns have case. Case denotes...the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence. Grammarians disagree...about the number of cases English nouns possess. Those who consider inflection (word form) the...

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